Best Reversible Strollers
Reversible strollers, also known as parent-facing, modular or rear-facing stroller (these are all the same thing!) — do you know what it is?
Most people in Google are searching for reversible strollers, but the industry term is “modular.” A modular stroller is one that has a removable seat. That seat can face forward or be flipped around to face the rear, or “parent-face.”
The ability to see your child, especially while they are infants and young toddlers, is indeed fabulous. The eye contact alone makes it worthwhile. It’s easy to tell if he has fallen asleep, if the sun is in his eyes, if he is chewing on something he shouldn’t, etc.
Yes, you’re generally in better touch with your child if you can see him and he can see you.

While the ability to rear-face is super cool, there are some nuances of modular strollers that you should be aware of before taking the plunge.
- They typically require a 2-hand fold and many of them don’t fold as compactly as fixed-seat strollers.
- Speaking of folding, there are certain ones (Bugaboo Cameleon3, etc.) that require you to take the seat off to fold the darn stroller. After which, the stroller is then in two separate pieces. Good luck with that on an airplane or while trying to hold a child! Surprisingly, the cheaper reversible strollers like the Graco Modes are waaaay easier to fold — and they stay in one piece. I highly recommend a stroller that stays in one piece when folded!
- They are typically a little heavier than fixed-seat strollers.
- You won’t find a modular jogging stroller (exception: the Bugaboo Runner), but many of them are “all-terrain” (with large air-filled tires, etc.).
- A rear facing stroller, on average, is much more expensive than a fixed-seat stroller (a couple of exceptions: Graco Modes, Gb Lyfe, Urbini Omni, etc.).
Again, we love ‘em… but just be aware of these fundamental differences.
Single vs. Convertible
Modular strollers come in two flavors: those that upgrade to a double and those that do not.
Strollers that upgrade to a double are called “convertible strollers” and convertible strollers are typically modular (though not always, such as most Phil & Teds in-lines). Thus, if you’re going to shell out the money for a modular stroller AND are planning on having another child in the next 2.5 years or so, it may be worthwhile to get a convertible.
Every year, more and more players join the game. Thus, here is a complete list of modular strollers that are available. Enjoy! [See also Strollers for Twins]
Convertible Reversible Strollers (can be single or double)
- Evenflo Pivot Xpand ~ MSRP $359
– Doubles kit ~ MSRP $120 ($90 on sale) - Mockingbird ~ $450
- Britax B-Ready G3 ~ MSRP $599 ($329 on sale), Editor’s Choice #1 (hilly or flat terrain)
- Baby Jogger City Select ~ MSRP $629, Editor’s Choice #2 (flat terrain only)
– Double ~ MSRP $699 - Phil & Ted’s Voyager ~ MSRP $649
– Double ~ MSRP $499 - UPPAbaby Vista ~ MSRP $929, Luxury Pick
– Doubles kit ~ MSRP $199 - Nuna Demi Grow ~ MSRP $799
– Double ~ MSRP $199 - Thule Sleek ~ $799
- Graco Uno2Duo ~ $269 (on sale for $202)
Non-Convertible (single!) Reversible Strollers
— in order of price (low to high)
- Urbini Reversi ~ $40, Least Expensive (without car seat)
- Baby Trend Debut Sport 3-Wheel ~ $97
- Urbini Omni Plus ($199+) ~ Least Expensive (with car seat)
- Graco Modes (MSRP $229/On Sale $178 stroller only, MSRP $379/On Sale $319 with car seat) or Modes3 Lite (MSRP $178 stroller only, MSRP $329/On Sale $239 with car seat), Recommended
- Evenflo Pivot (travel system) ~ $279, Economy Pick #1 (with car seat)
- Baby Trend Go-Lite Snap Fit Sprout (travel system) ~ $312, Economy Pick #2 (with car seat)
- Ergobaby 180 Reversible Stroller ~ $299- NEW! – uses a reversible handlebar to switch modes
- Chicco Urban ~ $429
- Recommended
- Baby Jogger City Tour LUX ~ $299
- Quinny Zapp Flex ($349)
- Valco Baby Snap Ultra Trend ~ $529
- Combi Mechacal Handy ~ $530
- UPPAbaby Cruz ~ $649, Highly Recommended
- Mountain Buggy Cosmopolitan ~ $899
- Nuna: Mixx ($659)
- Mamas and Papas Ocarro ~ $249
- Mamas & Papas: Armadillo Flip ($449+) – Chic!
- Bugaboo: Bee5 ($599), Fox ($928+), and Ant ($499) – Chic!
- Cybex: Priam ($999), Mios 2 ($649), and Balios M ($399)
In the Reversible and Convertible world, I am personally loving my Mockingbird single-to-double stroller. It handles like a dream and feels very comparable to the UPPABaby I tried in the store. Folds flat with one hand, even! I think they’re starting to sell at Target, so it might be a good option for other parents, too.