The Best Sippy Cup
Sippy Cup 101
In a perfect world, babies would transition from a bottle to a cup overnight. In the real world, they don’t have nearly enough coordination to do this.
Also? Spills.
We all hate spills, especially if you have carpeting and upholstery. To all the dentists who suggest we switch to regular cups at the age of 18 months, I invite them to come over to my house to clean up after my kids have spilled milk all. over. the. place.

I just… can’t.
If your infant is ready to start drinking water, breast milk, or formula out of something other than a bottle, trainer cups are the perfect place to start. (Read about transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup here.)
Some parents skip directly to a “strawed” sippy cup or one of the newer “rimless” cups (this is our fave option); and of course many folks use regular “spouted” sippy cups, which hold more liquid, allow your bigger kid to drink a little faster, and can also (some of them) be packed into lunch boxes without spilling.
If you can transition to a regular cup sooner rather than later (translation: if you can cope with spillage better than I can), more power to ya. Truth is, most parents use some form of sippy cup through preschool.
If you ARE interested in skipping sippies altogether, may I suggest (cough) at least using small cups so that you aren’t constantly cleaning up buckets of water/milk/breastmilk/formula… dentists actually recommend using shot glasses (!), and the ezpz Tiny Cup is another a great solution.
One other tip — please do not expect your baby to pick up a cup and start drinking exclusively from it from Day One — it might take months.
Per Dr. Alan Greene, my go-to feeding guy:
“At mealtime, put some water in the cup and show your baby how to maneuver it to her mouth. A midday meal is usually best. The cup will be little more than a toy for several weeks, but eventually most kids will drink down the water you put in. When they do this, it’s time to put something else in the cup or to begin giving it at other meals. It often takes about 6 months before all drinking is done with a cup – and the bedtime feeding is usually the last to switch. A good goal is that when whole milk is introduced at one year, it is in a cup, not a bottle.
It’s wonderful for babies to have security objects, but if a bottle becomes the security object, it can make weaning tough. Avoid this by not letting babies carry a bottle around with them. Only use them at mealtimes when they are sitting down or being held. If they are thirsty at other times, hand them a cup.”
When evaluating sippy cups, remember that no cup is completely bullet-proof under all conditions, so it’s a really good idea to keep sippy cups out of your laptop bag or purse-with-phone and away from electronics in general. Even the best sippy cup can be mis-threaded when you’re in a hurry, which always ends in leakage. I learned this the hard way after spilling one all over a brand spankin’ new iPad in my diaper bag and totally destroying it (apparently, it doesn’t take much…).
Also note that all the cups mentioned below are made with BPA-free plastic. We also have at least one stainless or glass cup in each category. See here for a more complete list of eco-friendly food and beverage storage containers.
Before we dive into the separate categories, though, let us tell you that our favorite all-around sippy is not actually a sippy at all, but a rimless cup:
Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cup ~$13 for 2 — Editor’s Choice
The Munchkin 360 spoutless trainer cups are very highly rated, and for good reason. The handles are easy to hold and your little one can drink from anywhere along the rim. (They also come in a “handleless” version for older babes.) Because the cup automatically seals when not in use, it creates a (sort of) leak-proof seal — I say “sort of” because it will splatter/leak when thrown on the ground and the seal tends to erode after a period of time. *If you’re packing these, pick up a set of lids for extra protection.
BTW, Munchkin pretty much dominates the 360/rimless cup category — it’s hands down the best choice if you’re going straight from the breast/bottle to a 360 rimmed cup. Don’t waste your money with the others.
One thing to watch for: if your kid is known to chew silicone, you’ll have to toss the top once the seal has been damaged from chewing.
Okay, friends — on to all the rest…
Best Trainer Cups
“Trainer” sippy cups are perfect for ages 4-9 months. The two handles make them very easy to grip, and the soft valve is reminiscent of a bottle nipple. These cups have to be tipped back, just like a bottle.
Nuby No-Spill Super Spout ~$10 for 2
Nuby is one of my favorite sippy cup companies. Many of their sippy cup parts are interchangeable — and they’re all quite easy to clean.
This cup will hold up after being used as a flying missile, will not spill when dropped or shaken, and it’s affordable to boot.
Philips Avent My Natural Trainer Cup ~$7
Another parent favorite, this cup comes with a nipple and a spout, so it’s a great “transformer” cup. It has a hygienic cover, which is nice for keeping the spout clean while on-the-go (or at the sandbox!).
AND… If you’re looking for stainless steel or glass cups for this phase, check out: Kid Basix Safe Sippy, Green Sprouts (this one is the highest rated), Grow With Me and Munchkin Cool Cat. For even more eco-friendly options, check out our Glass and Stainless Steel article.
Straw Sippy Cups
Many parents start with strawed cups from the beginning and continue to use them (instead of spouted cups) due to concerns over speech problems and/or dental issues; read more about that here, though I will say that Alice used a strawed cup and still has a lisp, so there’s that. 😉
One of the biggest complaints about straw sippy cups is that they can be hard to take apart and clean — and the straws can be particularly hard to clean.
Another note is that regular sippy cups (and bottles, for that matter) have to be tipped back to work. Strawed cups, on the other hand, are the opposite and require them to be level (not tipped up) in order to work. This can cause a lot of confusion and frustration for little ones who can’t figure out if they should tip or not tip. *I suggest you stick to one kind instead of switching back and forth.
Nowadays, you can find cups with a weighted straw that keeps the straw in the liquid — wherever it happens to be (even if inverted, see below). These are the most popular ones — and tend to be a little more expensive (Zoli and B. Box, see below).
Best Strawed Cups
Word for the wise: many strayed cups just don’t review that well — especially the weighted ones. Generally speaking, they have more nooks and crannies (besides actual parts) to clean, and can be a but more finicky. But those who love them love them.
Nuby Flex Straw ~$8 for 3
In the economy department, these strawed sippys from Nuby are a great bargain, and the long, flexible straw makes them easy to use.
On the downside, liquid flow tends to be a little slower than with other strawed cups… but generally speaking these are very well-liked. As with most leak-proof sippys, this cup will leak if it’s thrown.
ZoLi BOT ~$12
The Zoli Bot is the original “weighted straw” cup. The straw is soft and appealing to babies and toddlers, and the sliding cover keeps the straw clean while on-the-go.
I’ve used this cup extensively. Here are the quirks:
This cup — and all strawed sippys — will leak out the top of the spout after temperature change.
Example: fill it with cold milk, which then sits around at room temp for half an hour. As the milk warms, the pressure will cause the milk to flow upward and out of the spout. This happens even with cups that have a pressure-relief valve. Sorry. I don’t know any way of preventing this — it just comes with the territory.
Also note that the Zoli straw is a little harder to clean after being used with milk or juice. My advice is to clean it promptly after use and don’t let it sit around too long. You can also suck some clean water through it (during washing) to completely flush it out (gross, but worthwhile). And if you happen to fall in love with the Zoli Bot, I highly recommend getting the cleaning brushes.
You can also buy replacement straws, as the straw is usually the first component to fail.
All of that said, I still think it’s a great cup that parents and kids both love.
b. box Essential Sippy Cup ~$12
Also in the “beloved-weighted-straw” category, the b. box weighted sippy is a little fatter and more stable. It’s also a very good cup, although I find it a little harder to thread properly (i.e., screw the top on) than the Zoli Bot.
This cup has a larger relief valve, so I like to think it has less of a problem with the aforementioned “up-spurting.”
Spouted Cups
Then there’s the regular old spouted sippy cups.
The cups in this category are the more traditional spouted sippys we’re used to seeing. These can be packed in a lunchbox or backpack, provided they are spill-proof. (Many have a stopper inside the lid that allows liquid to flow one way.)
Again, dentists will tell you that long-term use of sippy cups like this (i.e., with a spout) can affect the growth of your child’s jaw (dentists with no kids– kidding!). In reality, most parents use sippy cups for years; if you have concerns, please talk to your child’s dentist.
Best Spouted Cups
The First Years Take & Toss ~$7 for 4 — Budget Pick
Take and Toss cups are great to have around the house for visitors and to use for travel. They’re cheap and durable enough to use over and over. And if you lose one? No biggie.
*Note: these also come in a strawed version, which is perfect for smoothies, as the straw is a little wider and easier to slurp up thicker liquids.
Gerber Graduates Fun Grips ~$6 for 2 — Editor’s Choice
Gerber Graduates is an all-time parent favorite — and mine, too! These hourglass-shaped cups are easy to hold and super stable when set down, making them hard to tip. They are totally spill-proof, thanks to a removable valve (remove and wash well after use).
The only downside is that these sippys are a little too big (wide) for some cup holders (stroller and car seat). But they’re otherwise perfect.
Boon Snug Sippy Lids ~$12 for 3
These tops are so versatile and clever — you can fit them onto virtually any cup to transform it into a sippy. (Also comes in a strawed version.)
You need to pinch/pull the spout the first time you use these, just FYI. Parents love these for ease of use and simplicity, and they work pretty darn well (plus they’re dishwasher safe).
*Note — not the best choice for chewers… if your kid’s a biter with sippies, she’ll probably tear this thing to shreds.
Re-Play No Spill Sippy Cups ~$16 for 3
These sturdy sippies are made from recycled milk jugs (!!) in the USA. They’re really good in the leak control department, and they’re also easy to clean.
There are very few complaints about the Re-Play sippies, but some parents do note that they can be a bit difficult for toddlers to drink from at first.
Playtex Sipsters Insulated Spouted Cup ~$12 for 2
If you’re looking for some fun character cups (and the like), check out the Playtex Insulated Spouted Cups. Because they have double wall insulation, they’re great for hot summer days or longer outings.
Looking for more? We also have a round-up of our favorite cups to send in with lunchboxes.
Thanks for reading and good luck in sippy land!
I used to swear by the Munchkin 360 but now that I see how it has worn down from my kids’ teeth, I am so frustrated. They do sell replacement valves but they are out of stock and ONLY sold through Munchkin. So now I’ve invested in 4 cups that are essentially useless. 🙁
@ Hanna. Did your 360 rim smell really bad when you got it? I just bought the stainless360 and the plastic rim has a HORRIBLE off gassing smell! Trying to avoid plastic as much as possible and you can TASTE it when filled with water. I returned it. Wanted to love it because of the ratings, but couldn’t do it.
I love the 360 cups but my 2 year old twins think it’s hilarious to pull out the rubber peice and dump their drinks everywhere.
We have been using the Munchkin 360 since we transitioned from bottles. My son picked up on it quickly. The downside is he does chew the silicone valves. You can order replacement valves on the Muchkin website at a minimal cost. He’s three now and I have ordered countless replacement valves. It seems to be getting worse the older he gets. We are switching to the Re-Play No Spill Sippy to see how we like those instead.
The takeamd toss cups are a fantastic example of ‘you get what you pay for’. They are easy for toddlers to drink out of, but the lids pop of really easily, and if you have a teething child they will naw on the spout of the cup. If you have rambunctious kids they will figure out that if you shake the vigorously, or you hold the cup by the lid -instead of holding the actual cup- the lid will pop off, all the liquid will spill on the floor.
The cups with stoppers work well unless you wash a bunch of the cups in the dishwasher, then the stoppers start getting lost.
I’d encourage you to add the Munchkin Any Angle Click Lock Weighted Straw Trainer cups (7 oz w/ handles, 10 oz without) to your list above. They are way cheaper than the Zoli and readily available at Safeway, Target, etc. So easy for babes to use and little to no leaking.
The OXO Tot Transitions Straw Cup is our one and only cup. We love it for not leaking, ease of use and easy cleaning in the dishwasher.
I tried the 360 cups with my older child when she was a wee one and it was a bit of a nightmare. She would chew on it and quickly break it and it wasn’t great for her teeth. But I found the simple modern silicone straw cup and have never looked back. She can chew on the straw all day long and I’ve never had to replace one, even though they come with a replacement. She tips them over all the time and because the straw is so flexible it never spills more than a drip or two. And the connection between the straw and the cup is simple so they’re easy to clean and it never leaks. Plus they’re made of insulated stainless steel and come in a bazillion cute (and Disney) patterns which helps my kids love them too.