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Twin Pregnancy Essentials

Pregnancy comes with a lovely set of side effects. Mamas pregnant with multiples usually suffer from these side effects at a higher rate – and also much more intensely. How fun. So I put together a quick list of Twin Pregnancy Essentials (a.k.a. helpful items) to get you through the journey.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can hit MOMs fast and hard. Double (or triple) the babies means an extra dose of nausea-inducing hormones. Fortunately, the majority of moms-to-be get relief by the second trimester.

For more advice on severe morning sickness or Hyperemesis Gravidarum, please read Managing Nausea.

When you’re on the go, there are a few products designed to help with morning all day sickness.

Tummy Drops ~ $13 for 30

Available in both ginger and peppermint flavors, these drops are a great defense against nausea. Commuting on the train, subway, and bus did me no favors in my first trimester. I kept these in my bag and popped one whenever I felt queasy. The scent of the ginger and sucking on the candy immediately relieved some of my symptoms. If ginger isn’t your jam, the peppermint ones work just as well.

Preggie Pops ~ $8 for 21

A less expensive option are Preggie Pops. These lozenges are made from a mix of essential oils and come in a variety of flavors: Sour Raspberry, Green Apple, Sour Lemon, and Sour Tangerine. Relieving nausea with candy-like flavors = winning.

Pink Stork Tea ~ $13 for ~ 30 cups

Replacing your regular coffee or tea with ginger tea not only gives you a caffeine-free way to start the day, it also has the added benefit of combating morning sickness. Pink Stork removes the caffeine (it is recommended to limit caffeine during pregnancy) from black tea leaves and adds peach to compliment the ginger flavor. Enjoy a cuppa and feel better!

Maternity Support Belt

Your neck, your hips, your back… everything is going to be sore when you are carrying an extra heavy load. These support belts will help relieve some pressure while you’re on your feet. They also help with circulation, resulting in less swelling in your legs and feet. Cankle fighters, you know.

Note that you should take frequent breaks from both standing and wearing the belt. Worn too often, it can actually impair circulation, cause blood pressure concerns, and increase your heartburn/indigestion (ain’t nobody got time for that). Again, take the belt off when seated and take frequent breaks.

In order of minimum to maximum support:

Mini Cradle ~ $29

The smallest and most discreet of the options here, this mini cradle gives you an extra boost of support. This belt has three sets of hook and eye closures, so there is some ability to adjust, though perhaps not as much as a Velcro belt. The sizing can be a bit difficult, and many of the reviewers recommend sizing up.

Gabrialla ~ $30

twin pregnancy essentials

The Gabrialla is a medium support belt that is fully adjustable with Velcro bands. This one comes to the mid-back, then scoops down in the front. The belt has a pocket for a hot/cold pack in the back, yet it’s small enough to hide under your clothes. Again, sizing up seems to be best to ensure a good fit. *Not the best option for plus-sized women.

Belly Bandit Upsie ~ $69 β€” Editor’s Pick

The Upsie by Belly Bandit connects under your growing belly with Velcro and is easy to adjust. For a perfect fit, check out the sizing calculator on Belly Bandit’s site (be sure scroll down for the Upsie calculator). The Upsie has a pocket for a hot/cold pack in the back as well. Many twin mamas swear by this belt.

NeoTech Care Maternity Support Belt ~ $24

The NeoTech Care maternity belt is a more robust option. Again, sizing is a bit difficult, so be sure to refer to the sizing chart in the description. The top strap is removable; when worn, it helps hold the belt up and keeps it from rolling down. Both straps are fully adjustable with Velcro. The back is breathable and lightweight, making it a great choice for hot climates (these things can get hot!).

Prenatal Cradle ~$75

This is the BIG Kahuna! If you are on your feet all day and/or have a higher order multiple pregnancy, this is the support belt for you. The hook & eye closures allow for some adjustment as you grow. The straps are a little showy, but some moms have had luck pinning them out of the way so they don’t show. The sizing (again) is a little tricky; the sizing guide for this one is based on your pre-pregnancy weight.

Body Pillows

Sleeping can be a bit of a joke during pregnancy, especially with multiples.

The best way to sleep is on your side (left side preferably), especially in the third trimester. This position optimizes circulation for the babies and helps relieve lower back pain. That said, be sure your belly is supported while side-lying.

If you happen to have a million extra pillows, you can use those to support yourself. If not (or if your partner is losing precious space in the bed), invest in a maternity pillow. These are designed to support your head, back, in-between your knees and under your belly. I loved mine and couldn’t sleep without it.

Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow ~ $57

The Snoogle is a large but versatile body pillow; you can choose belly or back support while always getting head/neck and knee support. The pillow comes with a washable cover for easy cleaning. The pillow can also be used after the babies are born; roll it into a nice doughnut seat for sore lady parts, wrap it around you for a nursing pillow (long enough for tandem nursing), and even tandem tummy time. [Related: Twin Nursing Pillows]

Leachco Back ‘N Belly Contoured Body Pillow ~ $89 β€” Editor’s Pick

If you’re looking for maximum support, the Leachco Back N’ Belly is for you. This is the end-all, be-all body pillow. No matter which way you turn or where you need the support, the back or belly, this pillow has you covered. Be advised: this puppy is BIG, it will take up most of your side of the bed (if not more), but it’s totally worth it to get the sleep you need. Note to partner: everyone has to make sacrifices.

Boppy Pregnancy Wedge ~ $24

If another sleeping buddy isn’t feasible, check out the Boppy Wedge. The wedge can be used for extra support under that growing belly, in between your knees, or along your back. The Boppy Wedge can also be used as a backrest for added support while seated. Best of all, it’s very inexpensive ($15).

Wardrobe Extenders

Like it or not, your body is going to change A LOT over the next year or so. You will go through many different sizes of pants, tops and bras, so make it easy on the wallet and extend your pre-pregnancy wardrobe.

These “extenders” will help you both in the early stages of pregnancy and on the other side when your body is getting back to its former size.

Bra Extenders ~ $7 for 3

twin pregnancy essentials

As your belly grows, so does your rib-cage; these extenders will help your pre-pregnancy bra last longer – no guarantees on the cup size though ;). You will need to buy larger bras toward the end of your pregnancy and for nursing (if applicable); read up on those options here.

Grab the three-hook or the two-hook size, depending on your bras.

Belly bands ~ $28

When your pants don’t want to button… but you’re not quite at the maternity clothes stage yet (or if you just really want to wear a certain outfit), enter the concept of the belly band.

The favorite is Ingrid & Isabel’s Bellaband. This “band” of fabric folds over the waistband of your normal-sized pants so you can leave them unbuttoned – not unlike after Thanksgiving dinner. Perfect for both pregnancy and after, I rocked one at our 3-month photo session.

That’s it, MOMs! We hope you found this guide of Twin Pregnancy Essentials helpful. You’re off to a great start!

Make sure you take a look at our Twin Registry Guide – those little people inside you will need some stuff too πŸ˜‰

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