Graco Size4Me Car Seat Review
Price $179
BUY NOW Amazon Buy Buy BabyWhile I may not be a huge fan of their strollers, Graco is a name I really like in the car seat world. They deliver good value in the realm of convertible car seats, and have even made some nifty innovations.
The Graco Size4Me is a solid car seat for the value-minded buyer. It retails for $179 but can often be found on sale on Amazon and such. If you are a luxury buyer, this also makes for a great 2nd seat for a less-often-used vehicle; it also works well for grandparents because it isn’t super heavy and is one of the easier ones to install and adjust.
Features we like in the Size4Me include EPS foam-lined wings for side-impact protection, high-quality LATCH connectors that audibly click when installed, a cupholder, and a “no-rethread harness,” which means you don’t have to remove the seat and perform surgery in order to change the height of the shoulder harnesses.
The no-rethread harness and the high-quality LATCH connectors are enough to get my seal of approval for usability.
This seat can rear-face up to 40 lbs and has fairly decent legroom for it. In FF, it can go up to 65 lbs, which is more than ample for a non-special needs child. It also has two distinct pairs of LATCH anchors (one for rear facing and one for forward), which prevents a common installation error. Want to know more? Check out our guide for installing car seats.
How does it compare to Britax seats, you might ask? I like Graco’s usability features better than on some Britax seats, but what you won’t get with this seat is a steel reinforced frame or the full-length EPS foam, which is found in all Britax seats (the foam in the Graco seats is typically only around the head). The padding on this model is also minimal, while you’ll typically find thicker padding (for comfort under the bum) in higher end seats. It’s the “under the cover” differences like this that you should be aware of, if you want to get technical.
Bottom Line: That said, I’m a fan of this seat and think it will serve the vast majority of people very well. For those on a slim budget that don’t want to overthink it (I mean, you’re already overthinking it by reading this guide, but that’s why we love yooouuu!), this seat is a great bet.
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